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I use all of the information gathered from these assessments in your child's plan for instruction.  Research tells us that children learn better in small groups.  I can strategically plan for small groups based on your child's individual needs.

What kinds of assessments are administered to my child, you ask?


1. Ms. Everett's assessment/portfolio

  • shows growth from the beginning to the end of the year

  • your child can visually track his/her learning


2. MAP Growth Testing

  • computer-based diagnostic assessment of early literacy and math skills

  • assesses comprehension strategies, alphabetic principle, concept of word, visual discrimination, phonemic awareness, phonics, structural analysis, vocabulary, sentence-level comprehension, paragraph-level comprehension, early numeracy

  • administered on individual computers with headphones


3. Fountas and Pinnell

  • administered 1-on-1 by the teacher

  • tests each child's reading level and reading behaviors - decoding, self-correcting, comprehension


4. Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS)

  • the teacher chooses from and creates assessments to check for mastery in each content standard

  • please visit this website for detailed information about GKIDS...

  • Parents receive a progress report with the information gathered from this assessment

  • Indicators will not all be marked at the beginning of the year.  They are added gradually because it is too much to assess at once.  Teachers are given a schedule of standards to enter at certain "Progress Report" dates.    

  • Your child has the entire year to "master" a content standard.  Only the final report will be placed in his/her permanent record at the end of the year. 

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